# Authoring guide ## Coordinating Web site work. Please create a pull request as soon as you start editing something, rather than waiting! That way you can tell others what you're working on. You could/should also mention it on Slack in the "angus-leads" channel. ## Technical info re adding content to the Web site All the ANGUS 2017 tutorials are stored on GitHub: [https://github.com/ngs-docs/angus](https://github.com/ngs-docs/angus). We will use [GitHub Flow](https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/) for updates: from the command line, * fork a new branch off of `2017` within the `ngs-docs/angus repository`; * edit, change, add, etc; * submit a PR against 2017; * when ready to review & merge say 'ready for review & merge @angus2017'. It's important that all updates go through code review by someone. Anyone with push access to the repo can review and merge! From the Web site, you should be able to edit the files and then set up a PR directly. You can also fork the repo, perform multiple edits and submit a PR through the web interface. ### Updating the "official" Web site. The Web site, http://angus.readthedocs.io/, will update automatically from GitHub. However, it may take 5-15 minutes to do so. ### Building a local copy of the Web site. Briefly, * Clone the repo: `git clone https://github.com/ngs-docs/angus.git` * set up a virtualenv with python2 or python3; `python -m virtualenv buildenv -p python3.5; . ~/buildenv/bin/activate` * install the prerequisites: `pip install -r requirements.txt` * build site: `make` * open / click on `html/index.html` ## Formatting, guidelines, etc. Everything can/should be in [Markdown](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet)! If you're not super familiar with Markdown, you can use [hackmd](https://hackmd.io/) to write your tutorials (use `+ New guest note`) - it will show you a live preview of your Markdown code. If you create a file named `mytut.md` it will automatically be compiled into `mytut.html`. (Note that you can go visit the github repo and it will helpfully render `.md` files for you if you click on them! They just won't have the full site template.) Files and images that don't need to be "compiled" and should just be served up through the web site can be put in the `_static` directory; their URL will then be https://angus.readthedocs.io/en/2017/_static/filename ## Images Image formatting in Markdown is kinda tricky and there's no good way to have just a single image that lets you click on it to expand, AFAWCT. So instead what we do is put an inline thumbnail in, with a link to the full sized image so that you can click to zoom. See [the jetstream boot tutorial](https://github.com/ngs-docs/angus/blob/2017/jetstream/boot.md) for an example. The relevant Markdown syntax is: ``` [![login](images/login-1.thumb.png)](../_images/login-1.png) ``` Note, on Mac OS X you can resize the thumbnails with `sips -Z 640 thumb.png`. ## Medium-size data file storage We can put files up to a total of 5 GB on our [Open Science Foundation project](https://osf.io/pyvfg/). (For bigger data sets, talk to Titus about where to put them. :) You can use the OSF Web interface to upload them easily enough. These files should then be downloaded in the tutorials using a `curl` command like so: `curl -L -o filename.out https://osf.io/bya2u/?action=download`. To get the file ID (the `bya2u` in the command above), go there and upload them using the nice Web interface, and then click on the file; the file ID is in your URL bar.