DIBSI Nonmodel mRNASeq Workshop (2017)

These are the schedule and classroom materials for the 2017 DIBSI nonmodel mRNAseq workshop at UC Davis, which will run from July 17th to July 21st, 2017.

This workshop runs under a Code of Conduct. Please respect it and be excellent to each other!

If you’re not comfortable working on the command line, please work through some of this command-line bootcamp before the workshop.

Twitter hash tag: #ngs2017

Schedule and Location:

9am-3pm + M/Th evenings (6:30-8pm)

All sessions are in Valley Hall, unless otherwise noted.

Workshop materials

Monday, Day 1: Introduction and QC

  • 6:30pm-8pm: student presentations and questions! (social)

Tuesday, Day 2: Assembly and Evaluation

Morning: 9am-12pm

  • Lecture: Kmers, de bruijn graphs, diginorm, and assembly (C. Titus Brown)
  • Hands-on: De novo RNAseq assembly (Tessa)

Afternoon: 1:15pm - 3pm.

Evening: free time

Wednesday, Day 3: Annotation and Quantification

Morning 9am-12pm

Afternoon: 1:15pm - 4pm

Evening: free time / social Wed Farmers’ market!. We’ll be over there starting at ~5:30pm.

Thursday, Day 4: Differential Expression and Downstream Assessment

Morning 9am-12pm

Afternoon: 1:15pm - 3pm.

Evening 6:30pm-8pm

  • Hands-on: own data!

Friday, Day 5: Wrap-Up (+ optional Github)

Morning 9am-12pm

9am: All-hands wrap-up

Since housing checkout is at 12, everything is optional after the hands-on meeting. We will run a brief intro to github, and then depending on interest, one or more of the instructors can stick around to teach additional automation tutorials or help you with your own data.

(Optional) Morning Hands-on: