# Command-line and RStudio Overview and discussion of the previous three lessons: ([Running BLAST at the command line](running-command-line-blast.html), [Running large scale BLASTs and output.](running-blast-large-scale.html), [Visualizing BLAST score distributions in RStudio](visualizing-blast-scores-with-RStudio.html)) The [Software Carpentry shell lesson](https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/) is good for people to go through, either collectively or individually. Questions to discuss and address: * where are the files and directories that we are accessing at the shell? * where are the files and directories that we are accessing via RStudio Web? * related: why am I using R via a Web interface rather than on my local computer? ---- We will cover more R on Thursday morning, where we will go through [Manipulating and analyzing data with dplyr](http://www.datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/03-dplyr.html).